Safety Meetings

Work zone Traffic Control Safety Briefings should be conducted DAILY

  • Flaggers are required at all work zones to ensure the safety of employees responsible for work zones flagging, as well as the safety of co-workers and the public, the following safety rules must be complied with during all flagging operations.
  • To allow for effective warning, flaggers must be positioned in relation to the equipment or operation being performed.
  • Placement of warning signs must comply with standards of the MUTCD (Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
  • For daytime and nighttime activity, flaggers shall wear high-visibility safety apparel that meets the Performance Class 2 or 3 requirements of the ANSI/ISEA 107–2004 publication
  • vests, jackets, shirts, and rainwear

Traffic Troopers flaggers will not be permitted to perform flagging operations unless they have been properly trained and certified on the following methods for safety in or out of work zones.


We will schedule group calls . You will only be required to attend one (1) meeting during that week.

Agenda Call Time

Start: 3:00 pmEnd: 4:00 pm
Lawanda SappCEO
Harold CoxAccount Manager
Dichunta MillsOperational Manager
Norris SappFleet Manager


If you feel you need to add anything to the agenda send us your questions in advance. You also will be given the opportunity to give us your feedback in the meeting.

Any topic discussion, suggestions or questions please feel free to send us an email or call us and leave a message (470) 210-4711.